****for contractors, house flippers, real estate agents, and landlords ONLY, wanting to easily add apartments to their portfolio for rental cash flow****
Finally, Discover How Deal Room Members are EASILY Adding Apartments To Their Portfolio To Create BIGGER & CONSISTENT Cash Flow, (up to $10,674 a month from 1 deal) WITHOUT needing a Down Payment Using a Super Simple (but little known) 4-Step-Process That Gets Them Closing Apartment Deals Within 6 Months - 100% Guaranteed!
Best of all, this process works WITHOUT using ANY of your own money for the down payments, and reveals how traditional lending rules don’t apply- even if you don’t qualify for the loan or have the down payment. These are the secrets to unlock off market deal flow, without sending thousands of letters, hiring virtual assistants, driving for dollars, or cold calling thousands of people and is as simple and easy as a single family home deal with way more upside.
And if you don’t have a deal DONE in the first 180 days (6 months)- YOU DON’T PAY (full refund).
watch this 10 minute video below for how this offer works...
I have ✅ Watched the video ✅ Want a system to predictably generate cash flowing apartment deals ✅ Have experience in real estate or already own a rental property and ✅ I want to know how this guaranteed system can work for me...
40 Units Closed - Life Changed

Jimmy & Stephanie now own a CARIBBEAN RESORT!

Marielle Got Creative and CLOSED IT

Have you tried to close a multifamily deal? Spent hours and hours studying the material, thousands on courses, read the books, and yet, you are no closer to getting a deal done?Â
If you haven’t closed a deal, it’s not your fault.
The reason you aren’t closing deals is simple.Â
It’s because all the products out there focus on the wrong problem…..
When you focus on the wrong problem-you don't get results.Â
You can try, and try, and spend TONS of time and money-but you won't get anywhere without solving the RIGHT PROBLEM.Â
They say…If you aren’t closing deals……you need more education.Â
You have been programmed to think education is the silver bullet. "If I just bought one more training program, listened to one more podcast, read one more book, got my mindset right, etc. etc. -I will succeed."Â
Maybe you have bought the products they sell, and hope that, “this will be the one”
But it doesn’t work.
We know because we have bought all the courses!
We have listened to the podcasts, read the books, and invested over $100k in masterminds and trainings.
We even built a course!
Education is important, a stepping stone, but it’s not the breakthrough, the key.Â
We knew something was missing. Something wasn't right.
This didn't have to be hard - We asked ourselves, "what if it could be easy?"Â
"What do we have to uncover-to GUARANTEE- people could get into a deal in 180 days if they followed our systems?"
So we decided to study. To unlock this key and figure it out.Â
We pulled data. We dug into hundreds of deals, both from my students, and multiple programs.
The obsession revolved around one thing-
How did deals happen? What was the secret? Â
We uncovered something that was shocking.Â
So shocking and so effective, that we completely pivoted our methods in teaching and mentoring people. Â
We took average people-people who had tried everything else-and implemented these strategies.Â
Guess what happened. They started closing deals. And after they closed one-they closed MORE.Â
Check out Leonard’s story. Leonard was retired. He was not in real estate at all, but saw the power of securing his retirement. A few months in the program and he was closing deals!
“Look what we did today!!!! We closed on the 38 units in Omaha. That gives us a total of 56 units there. Exciting times for everyone…..”
-Leonard W.
Deal Room Member
Remember that quote, “Work for your own dream, or you will find yourself working for someone else’s”?Â
We are programmed to be poor.
Our schools are designed to create a compliant worker who will follow orders.
We are programmed to work for other’s dreams.
Take a minute and think about the messages you are barraged with every day.
We are told:
- If you want more money-trade more time (life force) for it.
- The rich are always portrayed as “evil”, or ripping people off.
- Wealth is wrong, and it’s only achieved by big corporations plundering the earth.
- Movies. Books. TV. It’s all “belief programming”Â
You are kept poor by design. Spend more. Want more. Don’t save. Don’t invest. YOLO.Â
It’s psychological warfare! And they are winning!
No more.
That game stops TODAY.
Today, you start working for YOUR dreams, instead of giving your life to companies that don't care.
Companies that would get rid of you if they could find someone to do it cheaper.
When we got started in multifamily, we bought courses and studied our hearts out. We would analyze deal after deal, but nothing made sense.
For over 2 years we struggled and closed NOTHING. Then, almost by accident, we stumbled into the one thing that changed everything. Immediately, we got traction.Â
In one year -
We closed a 19 unit.
We closed a 63 unit.
We closed a 42 unit.
We closed a 12 unit.
We closed a 32 unit.Â
From 0 to 168 units in 365 days.Â
Then we closed a 208 unit. Then a few hundred more.
In 3 yrs we closed over 1000 units.Â
We didn’t start with a lot of money, in fact - we had very little. Â
We didn't have millions to close deals, we didn't even have hundreds!
We could never get these loans.Â
We weren't born into money.
Jennings was a contractor, barely making ends meet. Yeadon was a realtor, hustling every day for the next closing.
So these strategies were perfect for people like us……we weren’t born with silver spoons in our mouths and had no passive income or net worth, yet, but WANTED to get it.Â
That’s the beauty of multifamily. You can start with very little, and still make BIG deals.
Because they are large assets, you can acquire wealth QUICKLY.
How quickly? We were able to buy $60mm of real estate in 3 years! Â
Look what happened to Tim V....
He started following our strategies a year ago. He had a corporate job and was working 60 hrs a week, trading his time for money.Â
Today he has over 300 units and works real estate full time. Building HIS future. Pursuing HIS goals.Â
So how does it work?
What is the key?
What is the breakthrough?Â
Consider Harvard University….this is the place where the best and brightest go to kick off their careers.Â
Does Harvard have classes? Sure.
Do they have top-notch teaching and cutting edge techniques? Absolutely.
But did Mark Zuckerberg go to Harvard for the classes?Â
He went for the relationships. This is why the wealthy send their children to these universities. They know the power of build meaningful and life changing relationships.Â
We all instinctively know “it’s not what you know, it’s WHO you know”
Opportunity flows from relationships.Â
Remember when we rattled off all those deals we closed? The breakthrough was a relationship we formed.Â
Our students closing deals? Relationships.Â
So how can we create a “Harvard-like” incubator for QUALITY relationships?Â
We created The Deal Room.Â
How did we do it?
1) First, we needed serious students, so we created a private Facebook mentoring group that was application only. We wanted everyone in the group to be committed and serious.Â
2) Next, we realized- networking is great, but how can we connect them with people that will get them closing more deals? Just meeting more people that can’t invest, can’t sponsor, and can’t raise money- won’t help them at all.Â
Therefore, we needed to bring OUR network and OUR relationships to the group. We spent a lot of money and time building these relationships, and we extended an invitation to “Key Members” to be a part of the group. Who are they?
- Loan Sponsors. These are wealthy individuals who can sign on loansÂ
- Multi-Millionaires. They have invested in our deals, and others, and want to invest moreÂ
- Capital raisers. They have a network and can quickly and easily raise millions of dollars
 They want to be in the group, because they are always looking for new partners and new opportunity.Â
The next component is against the grain of every other training program out there-completely different-and that's why it WORKS.
3) Why don’t we just funnel all the deal flow to ourselves?Â
We knew we would get the best opportunities.Â
We could "cherry pick" the best deals.
We also knew we would make a lot of people mad.
We can’t partner with everybody, and the timing isn’t always right to take down another deal.
If we made ourselves the “bottleneck”, we would just frustrate everyone.Â
So we opened it up to other high level syndicators, investors, loan sponsors, and capital raisers. When we shared our network with The Deal Room, the deal flow EXPLODED.Â
We have spent over $200,000 together to build this network.Â
Most mentoring programs cost upwards of $40,000-PER YEAR.Â
Before we ask you to do ANYTHING, let me show you what you will get from this private community.
What do I get as a Deal Room member?
- THE NETWORK:Â Immediately get 24/7 access to the private Facebook group
- EXPERIENCE:Â Weekly LIVE zoom calls underwriting YOUR deal -Â We go over your assumptions and help you figure out how to close it!
- RELATIONSHIPS: Deal Sprint team assignments
- ACTION STEPS:Â Quarterly Six week sprints to accomplish goals, meet new people, and build relationships
- TOOL:Â The Deal Analyzer - Our custom built deal analysis spreadsheet for quickly and easily underwriting
- TOOL:Â Close Deals With NO MONEY - Our 8 video course INCLUDED on how to find your first investor, and craft a devastatingly attractive offer
- TOOL:Â How To Create a Compelling Written Pitch -Â how to easily and quickly raise capital - just through your writing!
- MENTORING:Â Weekly LIVE zoom calls in a small group setting - giving you mentoring and helping on specific questions
- RELATIONSHIPS: VIP Access to Events
What does it cost?
- Access to The Deal Room - $1000 per month
- Deal Submission Desk - $250 per submission
- Deal Sprint accountability team assignments - $250 per sprint
- The Deal Analyzer - $247
- Close Deals With NO MONEY - Our 8 video course INCLUDED on how to find your first investor, and craft a devastatingly attractive offer -Â $97
- How To Create a Compelling Written Pitch - $97
- Weekly LIVE zoom calls answering your questions - $250 per call
Total Cost- $2191 per month
Incredible value and well worth it.Â
But then we remembered back 3 years ago, when we were struggling. This is not something we could have done back then.Â
We want this to be something that is a commitment, but still attainable. We also don’t want to lock anyone into anything they don’t want to do.Â
So here is what we did. We decided to include EVERYTHING. And we do mean everything….
- The Network
- The underwriting
- The deal desk
- The Q&A calls
- The documents
- The video course
Total Cost- $2191Â per month
For $397 a month. Â
No commitment. Cancel anytime.Â
If you get in the group and decide it’s not right for you, just shoot us a message and we will refund your money.
You have seen how you can secure your financial future with apartments.
How you can make 5 and 6 figure acquisition fees up front.
How you can create cash flow every month.
How you can retire - and do it on YOUR terms.Â
Maybe you are seeing how you can get your life back with this financial freedom. How one deal can easily put a few thousand a month in your pocket - FOREVER.Â
All by building authentic relationships with high level people who are looking to connect with YOU.Â
You have seen how Deal Room members are building their portfolios, following this system. And they are just a few!Â
The price is embarrassingly small, with a performance guarantee. You have to do your part, and we will do ours. You just follow the plan.Â
"If you are not a part of a deal within 6 months after following our processes, and plugging into our network, we will refund your investment fully."Â
Think you qualify?
Schedule Your Deal Room Call NowNow it’s decision time.Â
We are all a product of our decisions, and the way we see it, you have 3 options;
Option #1: Do absolutely nothing and stay exactly where you are right now
If you already have total time and money freedom, and you’re not worried about running out of money in your golden years…..
Then maybe you don’t need this network.Â
But if you’d like to make secure your future and make a deal happen, there are 2 other options….
Option #2: Do it yourself
You can comb through thousands of listings online, hoping that you find something that works.Â
You can watch hundreds of hours of YouTube to have the confidence to close a deal-and know it’s not going to bankrupt you.Â
You can go to every real estate meetup in your city and spend countless hours with “tire kickers” hoping to meet the right people.Â
If you are willing to work hard and spend a few years on this, you might be able to pull it off.Â
Option #3: Let us do the heavy lifting for you
We'll put our proven systems to work for you.Â
We’ll do the legwork and vet/build the network.Â
We'll put you in the room with multifamily professionals who are doing deals, and looking for partners.
All you need to do is show up, and follow the plan.
Of these 3 options, ask yourself….
What’s Going to Be Easier for You?
You see, there are two types of people in this world…
Those who only dream about achieving their financial goals without ever taking any action to make it happen…
And those who are ready to take action when the opportunity presents itself.
Most people will tell you they want to retire rich.
But we both know very few actually make it happen.
It’s a natural law of financial wealth…
The classic tale of the willful and the wishful.
Most people will keep dreaming…
While the few who are actually serious about their financial future will take action.
Since you’ve stuck with us this far, we think you’re one of the few special ones…
If we're right and you’re still with us…
We're ready to talk with you to see if you qualify...but...
Only you can decide.
Think you qualify?
Schedule Your Deal Room Call NowBJ went from ZERO units to 173 units in under 10 months!

Len & Brock Teamed Up & Closed!
Freedom Through Real Estate

8 Down, 50 to Go!

Think you qualify?
Schedule Your Deal Room Call Now24 More Units CLOSED
Seller Finance 8 Units

$3 Mil Raised
Deal Room Value
Building A Legacy


Another 55 Units Closed
Slam Dunk Deal
Law of the 1st Deal

The REST of the Story - BJ's Deal Revisited

Just a Matter of 'When', not 'If'
14 Units Closed

Another 88

200 Units in 18 Months!
128 Units Closed

What are you waiting for?

More Results From Deal Room Members...

Think you qualify?
Schedule Your Deal Room Call NowAbout Jennings & Yeadon
Jennings & Yeadon are first cousins and considered to be two of the world’s leading multifamily strategists. They help real estate professionals easily and quickly jump from single family rentals into commercial assets through their proven apartment acquisition systems. They have been in the industry since 2013, have helped 100's of clients/customers, and are responsible for over $600,000,000 in collective real estate deals closed using these systems. They work with both multi-millionaire, experienced pros, and the contractor or realtor looking to close their first apartment deal. They are so confident in their systems that they back them with a better than money back guarantee.

This website is operated and maintained by My First Million In Multifamily, LLC. Use of the website is governed by its Terms Of Service and Privacy Policy.
My First Million In Multifamily, LLC is a sales and marketing education and training company. We do not sell a business opportunity, “get rich quick” program or money-making system. We believe, with education, individuals can be better prepared to make investment decisions, but we do not guarantee success in our training. We do not make earnings claims, efforts claims, or claims that our training will make you any money. All material is intellectual property and protected by copyright. Any duplication, reproduction, or distribution is strictly prohibited. Please see our Disclaimer for important details.
Investing in your business development carries risk and it is possible to lose some or all of your money. The training provided is general in nature, and some strategies may not be appropriate for all individuals or all situations. We make no representation regarding the likelihood or probability that any actual or hypothetical investment will achieve a particular outcome or perform in any predictable manner.
Statements and depictions are the opinions, findings, or experiences of individuals who generally have purchased education and training. Results vary, are not typical, and rely on individual effort, time, and skill, as well as unknown conditions and other factors. We do not measure earnings or financial performance. Results show that most clients who apply the training get some results. You should not, however, equate more leads and sales calls to more revenue. Further, many customers do not continue with the program, do not apply what they learn, or do attempt to apply what they learn and nonetheless have difficulty in making lead generation successful for them.
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